18 February 2006

Week 4

Well I can’t believe I’ve been here a month already. At times I think I got here yesterday and at other times I thin I’ve been here forever. As always, pictures are once again promised and not delivered.

Here are some funny things that have happened:

*) Yesterday Anne-Christien and Myrte did not go to school because the students had a field day and the teachers were in a meeting. A child about 4 years old came to school because there were no white people around. She then saw me, got huge eyes and ran home. I was told that is afraid of the white people and only came to school because my daughters weren’t there. So instead of two young small people a big huge one shows up! Luckily, she didn’t cry she just ran for the hills!

*) When the children play soccer, the goalie takes off his shoes and uses them for gloves. Hey everyone knows the goalie is allowed to catch the ball and to do so a person needs gloves. What else are flip-flops for?

*) When I go to Accra I take a tro-tro to Kanechie market. When looking for the tro-tro I asked the mate is the tro-tro to Kimchi market? Kimchi is spicy cabbage eaten by my Korean kids David and Soo-Hyun.

*) Today I saw a white person and yelled, “Hey Obruni!” He didn’t turn around but I still laughed.

*) Fufu is a staple in the Ghanaian diet. It can be made out of yams, cassava and mixed with plantain. First the vegetables are boiled until done. Then they are pounded with a big stick. When I tried to do the pounding, all the children from the orphanage and their 20 or so friends that were visiting from the village stopped to watch. They have never seen an obruni pounding fufu. So ever the ham, I started dancing and singing “fufu dancing, fufu dancing, fufu dancing” in time with my pounding. Everyone laughed hysterically including the mothers. When I turned over the job, Prince did a little fufu dancing and we all laughed. Helen, beware when next I see Frank I will teach him the fufu dance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Flo
I can't wait to see the Fufu dance! Love and miss you. Pam and Kevin